My valued regular customers: Thank for for all the fantastic times we have, you are all very special to me! TSDee

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Regular Customers 2


Who Are TDee’s Valued Regular Customers?

TSDee has many valued regular clients.  Some visit her more frequently than others.  Some regular clients have been around for years.  Some are from out of town and make it a point to make time for her when they are visiting Toronto.  There are several clients see her as often as once a week or twice a month and have been doing so for years!!  These clients jokingly refer to Dee as their wife.

The True GFE

TSDee gives what others don’t – her genuine self.  She never makes her customers feel hurried.  She is generous with her time (not a clock watcher).  Each session is different.  TSDee was giving the GFE (GirlFriend Experience) before the acronym was even invented.  She is very accommodating when it comes to giving customers what they want – hair color or length, outfits, demure, slutty – it’s all available for the asking.  While these are just some of the things that keep her valued regular clients coming back for more, TSDee treats every person walking through her door with the respect that they deserve.

Book your appointment today and find out for yourself what makes this shemale escort in such high demand.


